© LLAP建筑摄影 建筑几何的干净利落,玩转全球高定衣料,严谨的细节控……这是专属于“WANG FENG”品牌的型格,是设计师通过空间语言,昭示给消费者的80后知名礼服和婚纱设计师王锋的服装设计哲学。 The clean and concise architectural geometry, mastery of high-end fabrics from around the world, and rigorous attention to detail... This is the exclusive style of the "WANG FENG" brand, which is the fashion design philosophy of Wang Feng, a well-known dress and wedding designer born in the 1980s, revealed to consumers through spatial language by designers. WANG FENG 高定礼服展厅 WANG FENG High End Dress Exhibition Hall - - - “时尚、高级、极简、精致,在整体空间的把控上,我们用建筑体块的穿插,与王锋老师的服装理念相融合,以空间语言去二次传达品牌的设计理念。”设计师周游如是说。“续写“WANG FENG”的品牌文化与精神,成为更