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首发 x 璞辉设计 | 中古花园,荏苒岁月

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-05 17:02


淮海中路“上方花园” 是砖木结构的花园里弄住宅,也是每个老上海人耳熟能详的建筑。时光荏苒,缓坡简瓦的西班牙式风格依然掩映在茂密梧桐老树群中,与上海最时髦的淮海路形成特有的景致——中西合璧的风格,貌似风格迥异,却是浑然天成。本次设计以“大隐隐于市”为设计灵感,在最繁华的街巷造就属于自己的乌托邦。遗世独立,自得其乐,才是心灵上真正的升华所在。 Huaihai Middle Road "Upper garden" is a brick and wood structure of the garden lane house, but also every old Shanghai people are familiar with the building. Time flies, the Spanish style of gentle slope and simple tiles is still hidden in the dense old trees, forming a unique scenery with the most fashionable Huaihai Road in Shanghai - a combination of Chinese and Western styles, seemingly different styles, but natural. This design takes "Big hidden in the city" as the design inspirati ………………………………

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