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RES 2024年7月刊目录及摘要

学说平台  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-22 12:16


0 1.Minimum Wage Employment Effects and Labour Market Concentration 作者 José Azar Emiliano Huet-Vaughn Ioana Marinescu Bledi Taska Till von Wachter 摘要 This paper shows that more highly concentrated labour markets experience more positive employment effects of the minimum wage. In the most concentrated labour markets, employment rises following a minimum wage increase. The paper establishes its main findings by studying the effects of local minimum wage increases on a key low-wage retail sector, and using data on labour market concentration that covers the entirety of the U.S. with fine spatial variation at the occupation level. The results carry over to the fast-food sector and the entire low-wage labour market and are robust to using proxies of labour market concentration available for a broader range of industries, such as the number of establishments and population density. A model of oligopsonistic competition can explain these effects: there is more room to increase wages ………………………………

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