专栏名称: ZaomeDesign
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新作|沐屿新集,沪上记忆 / 对角线设计

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-05-26 09:30


无论在金宇澄还是张爱玲的笔下, 上海都极具腔调: 里弄交织,闲话轶闻; 风物细节,婷婷而动。 这一次,对角线邀请你 在水生活中感沐沪上历史与未来。 In the writings of both Jin Yucheng and Eileen Chang, Shanghai is endowed with a distinctive charm: its narrow lanes intersect,  intertwining with anecdotes and tales; its scenery is vividly depicted with grace and dynamism. This time, DJX Design invites you to dwell among the waters, experiencing the history and future of Shanghai. △ 观看项目视频 昔日的上海,在何种程度上塑造了今天的上海?关于上海的故事,始终处于双重时态的迷离共振中,因而天然地具有回溯的特质。回路返景,鉴往知来。对角线设计凭水穿越,为沐屿新集塑造了一场往复于新旧上海的时空梦旅。 To what extent has the Shanghai of the past shaped the Shanghai of today? The narrative of Shanghai consistently resonates within ………………………………

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