专栏名称: 无忧英语
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无忧英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-20 18:10
在线英语就上51Talk!美国纽交所上市公司中国在线教育赴美上市第1股国际品质有保证The other day as I talked with a friend I recalled a story that I heard this summer. "Acompassionate person, seeing a butterfly struggling to free itself from its cocoon, and wanting to help, very gently loosened the filaments to form an opening. The butterfly was freed, emerged from the cocoon, and fluttered about but could not fly. What the compassionate person did not know was that only through the birth struggle can the wings grow strong enough for flight. Its shortened life was spent on the ground; it never knew freedom, never really lived."前几天和一位朋友闲聊时,我想起今年夏天听到的一个故事:“有个人很富有同情心,看到一只蝴蝶拼命挣扎想冲破茧的束缚,就帮了个忙,轻轻 ………………………………

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