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微凉_Elena  · 简书  ·  · 2019-10-13 23:12


It was now March, and Mr Utterson was sitting by the fire after dinner, when he was surprised to receive a visit from Doctor Jekyll's servant, Poole. The old man looked pale and frightened.


'Mr Utterson,' he said, 'something is wrong.'


'Sit down by the fire and tell me all about it.'


'The doctor's locked himself up in his study, sir.'


'That's quite usual, surely,' said the lawyer. 'You know your master's habits as well as I do. He often shuts himself away from the world.'


'Yes, but this time it's different. It frightens me, sir-I've been frightened for more than a week now, and I just can't go on any longer.'


He stopped and stared down at the floor.


'Try and tell me, Poole,' said Mr Utterson gently.


'Something terrible is happening to my master. I can't explain. But... please, sir, can you come with me and see for yourself?'


At once Mr Utterson fetched his coat and hat.


'Thank you, sir,' whispered Poole gratefully.


Together they made their way to Doctor Jekyll's house. It was a wild, stormy night. To Mr Utterson the streets seemed strangely empty and lonely. The square, when they reached it, was full of wind and flying dust. The thin trees were blowing wildly, and untidy grey clouds were sailing past a pale, sickly moon.


'Well, sir,' said Poole, 'here we are, and I hope that nothing is wrong.' He knocked softly at the front door. The door was opened just a little and a voice from inside asked, 'Is that you, Poole?'


'Yes-open the door.'


The hall, when they entered, was brightly lit. A good fire was burning. The room was full of people-every servant in the house was there. They looked like a crowd of frightened children.


'What's all this?' said the lawyer. 'What are you all doing here? Your master would not be pleased.'


'They're frightened,' said Poole simply. No one else spoke. A little servant girl began to cry.


'Quiet!' said Poole sharply, trying to control his own fear. 'Now-fetch me a light and we'll finish this business at once. Mr Utterson, sir, please follow me.' He led the way across the back garden towards the laboratory.


'Come as quietly as you can, sir. I want you to hear, but I don't want him to hear you. And sir-if he asks you to go inside-don't go.'


Mr Utterson's heart gave a little jump of fear, but he bravely followed the servant into the laboratory to the bottom of the stairs.


'Wait here, sir-and listen carefully,' whispered Poole. He himself, again

controlling his fear, climbed the stairs and knocked on the study door.


'Mr Utterson would like to see you, sir,' he called.


'Tell him I cannot see anyone,' said a voice from inside the study.


'Thank you, sir,' said Poole. He led Mr Utterson back across the garden and into the house. 'Sir,' he said, 'was that my master's voice?'


The lawyer's face was pale. 'It has changed,' he said.


'Changed? You're right,' said Poole. 'I've worked for Doctor Jekyll for twenty years. That was not my master's voice. Someone has murdered my master. Eight days ago, we heard his voice for the last time. "Dear God!" he cried-then no more. The voice you heard just now was the voice of his murderer.'


'This is an extraordinary story, my good man,' said Mr Utterson. He tried hard to appear calm. 'If Dr Jekyll has been murdered -why is his murderer still there? What reason could he possibly have for staying?'


'Perhaps you don't believe me, sir, but I know what I heard. For a week now the person-or thing-in that study has been crying night and day for some special chemical powders. My master was in the habit, when he was particularly busy with his scientific work, of writing orders on pieces of paper and leaving them on the stairs. We've had nothing else this week, nothing except written orders and a locked door. I've been to every chemist in town in search of these chemicals of his, but they were never right. They weren't pure enough, he said. I had to take them back to the shop, and try another chemist. I don't know what these chemicals are, but the person in that study wants them terribly badly.'










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