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一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-03-25 12:40


【 原文 】 仲春时节,赏花成为很多人生活中重要的主题。相比于辽阔自然中的花,鲜切花也逐渐成为一些人的心头好。 在急速运转的当下,养鲜切花似乎也变成了一种生活的锚点。鲜花纯粹、富有生命力地绽放着,好像在告诉我们:「把它们养得很好的同时,我们也把自己养得很棒。」 毕竟,「一个人还能观察落叶,鲜花,从细微处欣赏一切,生活就不能把他怎么样。」 【 参考译文 】 In mid-spring, ’blossom hunting has become an important spring activity for many. Other than the flowers in nature, fresh cut flowers are also becoming more popular.. In a time when everything is running at top speed, attending the fresh cut flowers has become an anchor in life. The flower blossom is so pure and full of life, as if confirming that we are taking good care of the flowers as well as ourselves.. After all, as long as one can be cheered by fall of leaves and blos ………………………………

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