专栏名称: 英文短篇小说
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The Widow of Pine Creek(4)

英文短篇小说  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-12 11:31


"You were in it together!" Sandra May whispered. "The two of you."   "Jim died and didn't leave me a penny!" Loretta snapped. "You owe me that money."   "Why would Jim leave you anything?" Sandra May asked uncertainly. "Why would ..." But her voice faded as she looked at the knowing smile on the thin woman's face.   "You and my husband?" Sandra May gasped. "You were seeing each other?"   "For the last three years, honey. You never noticed that we were out of town at the same time? That we'd both work late the same nights? Jim was putting money away for me!" Loretta spat out. "He just never had a chance to give it to me before he died."   Sandra May stumbled backward, collapsed onto the couch. "The stock . . . Why, I trusted you," she muttered. "The lawyer asked who could I trust and you were the first person I thought of!"   ………………………………

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