专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 9.0):截止2024年9月30日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-19 17:58


Next-Generation Adaptive Solar Solutions for Flexible Building Energy Demand Building energy consumption is a significant contributor to global warming and carbon emissions, and it is closely intertwined with climate conditions, environmental factors, and patterns of usage. Particularly as renewable energy sources continue to gain traction within the energy landscape, the integration of adaptive solar technologies becomes increasingly crucial. Adaptive solar energy solutions emerge as pivotal tools for addressing the evolving demands of building energy. It is imperative to embrace an interdisciplinary framework that encompasses various elements, including passive and active renewable energy technologies, diversified renewable energy sources, energy storage solutions, and advanced functional materials. Through the adoption of such a comprehensive approach, researchers can not only mitigate the adverse impacts of building energy consumption on the environment but also pave the way toward ………………………………

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