「手里有点钱,但大环境不好」 焦虑无用,建议利用这两年时间: 赶快补课 补什么? 补理财基础动作👇🏻 油管财经博主Ramsey 提出过傻瓜理财7步曲的理论(图2) (The 7 Baby Steps) ✅ Save $1,000 for your starter emergency fund. ✅ Pay off all debt (except the house) using the debt snowball. ✅ Save 3-6 months of expenses in a fully funded emergency fund. ✅ Invest 15% of your household income in retirement. ✅ Save for your children\x26#39;s college fund. ✅ Pay off your home early.Build wealth and give. 结合咱国的国情,可以理解为👇🏻 ✅ 存5000元以备不时之需 ✅ 一点点还清所有贷款(房贷除外),至少设立还贷计划 ✅ 再存入一笔应急款(约为半年工资),非特殊情况不支取 ✅ 将家庭税后收入的15%存入商业养老金账户,退休前尽量不支取 ✅ 问自己:孩子上学用钱的时候还多久?需要多少钱?开始攒了吗? ✅ 尽