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独立的空间 I CO·贰装置设计

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-04 08:30


©北京夏德岛影像工作室 2018年北京设计周上,优思建筑推出了CO·贰装置,为人们打造了一个迥然独立的空间,远离城市的喧嚣,沉浸在独立思考的氛围中。这个装置不仅是一个封闭的空间,更是一个三维投影屏幕,提供了多层次的表演体验。通过建筑、音乐、视觉艺术和灯光艺术的完美结合,为观众带来震撼的视觉享受和丰富的听觉体验,引导人们重新审视城市环境,加深对居住环境的认知。 At the 2018 Beijing Design Week, Yousi Architecture launched the CO · 2 installation, creating a completely independent space for people, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and immersed in an atmosphere of independent thinking. This device is not only a closed space, but also a three-dimensional projection screen, providing a multi-level performance experience. Through the perfect combination of architecture, music, visual art, and lighting art, it brings view ………………………………

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