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Interlude House,泰国曼谷

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-11 06:31


A Bangkok-based well known architectural firm, Ayutt and Associates design (AAd) proposed an alternative design solution to mitigate the urban-dwelling problematic issue by crafting a INTERLUDE house. INTERLUDE is a house designed not as the main act but for the essential little moments in between. The client’s brief was for a home that can be lived in practically, and on frequent occasions be able to host parties of up to 30 guests. Its primary function is to serve as a liveable home, a welcome break away from one act of life and another in an ever-bustling Bangkok city. 总部位于曼谷的知名建筑公司 Ayutt and Associates design (AAd) 提出了一种替代设计解决方案,通过打造 INTERLUDE 房屋来缓解城市住宅问题。INTERLUDE 是一座不是作为主要行为而设计的房子,而是为中间重要的小时刻而设计的。客户的要求是建造一个可以实际居住的房屋,并且经常能够举办多达 30 位客人的聚会。 ………………………………

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