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印际首发 x 辛视设计 | 闲适自在,温润居所

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-18 17:02


我理想的家,是回到家后能卸下一切... My ideal home is to be able to unload everything upon returning home... 让我心无杂物, 能有归家的松弛感,平静下来... Let my heart be free of clutter, able to feel a sense of relaxation at home, and calm down... 项目是一个 300 多平的平层住宅,望山而居,坐瞰城市山林,可短暂远离喧嚣,自在而闲适。 The project is a flat residential area of over 300 square meters, with a view of the mountains and overlooking the city's forests. It provides a brief escape from the hustle and bustle, allowing for a comfortable and leisurely lifestyle. 家的简约生活 A minimalist lifestyle at home ━ 推开家门,一面深邃的黑木墙映入眼帘,如同一幅静谧的画布,仅以两盏独特的装饰灯点缀,仿佛预示归途的灯塔。 Pushing open the door, a deep black wooden wall catches the eye, like a serene canvas, adorned only with two unique decorative lights, as if a lightho ………………………………

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