快⬆️⬆️点击上方 蓝字 关注并星标 这 个公众号,一起涨姿势~ 词数:381 words 难度:★★★☆☆ 小贴士: 大家记得复习上周笔记、上月笔记,翻看一下回忆回忆就行~ ——大橙子留 ✦ + + 上期划线句答案 And excellence allows one to enjoy the fruits of her labor without expecting each of them to work together to strengthen her perpetually. (追求)卓越让人能够享受自己的劳动成果,而不执着于让每一个事情的成果都共同服务于自身的无限成长。 ✦ + + 本期内容 ◆ 双语阅读 Para.1 Early birds are certainly held in higher regard. Rolling into the office late continues to be frowned upon in most workplaces. A study published in 2022 by Jessica Dietch of Oregon State University and her co-authors found that night owls were perceived by respondents as being “lazy”, “undisciplined” and “immature”. To pile on the stereotypes , they are fatte