点击蓝字 关注我们 01 六月的第一天,先把童真找回来。 “ On the first day of June, first retrieve the innocence. ” 02 六月,宜可爱,宜快乐。 “ June is suitable for cuteness and happiness. ” 03 六月与你,浪漫至极。 “ June with you, romance at its peak. ” 04 心动一“夏”,从六月开始。 “ Heartbeats for "Summer", commencing in June. ” 05 六月的小美好,从节省布料开始。 “ The little beauty of June starts with saving fabric. ” 06 六月半夏,如约而至,激情四射。 “ June mid-summer arrives as promised, bursting with passion. ” 07 六月是仲夏之初,是编织梦想的季节。 “ June, the onset of midsummer, a season for weaving dreams. ” 08 希望好运与六月一样,马上来到你我身边。 “ May luck arrive as swiftly as June does, to us both. ” 09 不负韶华,赢在六月。 “ Make the most of youth, triumph in June.