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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-23 18:03


针对近期网上举报的无锡虹桥医院涉嫌欺诈骗保问题,国家医保局派出飞行检查组,于今日上午进驻该院开展专项飞行检查。 同时,国家医保局指导江苏省医保局,派出20个检查组进驻无锡市下辖所有区县,对100多家定点医药机构开展全面检查。 目前,无锡市医保局根据协议管理规定, 已经作出与无锡虹桥医院解除医保服务协议的处理;当地公安机关已立案侦查,医院有关人员已被控制,后续将依法严肃处理。 The National Healthcare Security Administration on Monday has initiated a special investigation into Wuxi Hongqiao Hospital in Jiangsu province in response to recent online allegations of insurance fraud at the hospital. The hospital's medical insurance service agreement has been terminated in accordance with regulations. The local public security department has opened a case for investigation, leading to the detention of several individuals at th ………………………………

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