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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-06-06 08:00
    3      长按扫码领取1-762期晨读完整版PDF电子讲义扫码(长按扫码领取本期晨读PDF)晨读音频文本导读6月2日,时尚界迎来了一则重磅消息——Prada官方高调宣布,喜剧女王贾玲正式成为其品牌代言人!Prada Names China’s Hottest Comedian-turned-director Jia Ling Brand Ambassador普拉达宣布中国最火的喜剧演员兼导演贾玲成为品牌代言人(图源网络,侵删)Jia, whose career began as a Chinese comedian, became a breakout star with her live performances during the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala.贾玲的职业生涯始于喜剧演员,她凭借在每年中国央视春晚上的现场表演一举成名。Jia made her directorial and performance debut in 2021 with “Hi, Mom,” a moving tribute to her mom.2021年,贾玲首次执导并主演了《你好,李焕英》,这部感人至深的影片是对她母亲的致敬。(图源网络,侵删)With 5.4 billion renminbi, or $745.7 m ………………………………

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