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【直播】【中科院理论物理所】Tensor networks

蔻享学术  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-29 00:00


中科院理论物理所 Tensor networks: from basics to tangent-space methods 2024年7月30日 14:00 蔻享学术 扫码查看精彩直播 // 嘉宾简介 Prof. Jan von Delft Prof. Jan von Delft is a Professor of Physics and holds the Chair of Theoretical Solid State Physics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He obtained a B.Sc. from the University of the Orange Free State in 1987 and an M.Sc. from the University of Stellenbosch in 1990, both in South Africa. After receiving a Ph.D. from Cornell University in the US in 1995, he moved to Germany, where he lives until now. Prof. von Delft is a renowned expert in various non-perturbative approaches to strongly correlated electrons: conformal field theory, bosonization, functional renormalization group, tensor networks, and dynamical mean-field theory, to name a few. 报告摘要 Tensor networks offer a powerful language for encoding the wave functions of quantum many-body states, and the operators acting on them, in terms of ………………………………

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