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海问·要闻 | 海问娱乐法业务组受邀为钱伯斯撰文介绍中国微短剧的发展与挑战

海问律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-17 18:01


近日,海问娱乐法业务组再度受著名法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,为其“专家聚焦”(Chambers Expert Focus)栏目撰文。该文以“ 《中国微短剧的兴起》 ”为题,由合伙人 曹宇 以及高级律师 孙雪畅 共同执笔。 Recently, the prestigious legal rating firm Chambers and Partners ("Chambers") has once again invited Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group to author an article for its Expert Focus ("Expert Focus") publication. The article, titled " The Rise of Micro-Drams in China ", is co-authored by partner Cao Yu and senior associate Sun Xuechang .  文章介绍了中国微短剧行业的快速发展,政府的支持政策和举措,以及随着微短剧行业的扩张,业内人士可能面临的挑战,例如合规和版权侵权。 The article discusses the rapid growth of the micro-drama sector in China, government's support for this sector through policies and initiatives, and challenges ………………………………

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