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双语|泰达与渤海证券签署战略合作协议 TEDA Joins Hands with Bohai Securities

投资泰达  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-18 17:50


近日,天津经济技术开发区管委会与渤海证券股份有限公司正式签署战略合作框架协议 ,双方将共同推动 资本市场培育、投融资服务、产业聚集发展、资产管理服务 等合作事项落地,打造政金合作助力区域发展的标杆。 Recently, TEDA Administrative Commission and Bohai Securities Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement . Both parties will work together to promote cooperation in areas such as capital market development, investment and financing services, industrial cluster development, and asset management services , aiming to establish a benchmark for government-finance collaboration to support regional development. 根据协议,双方将探索 产金服务新模式 ,持续完善政府引导、市场运作、产融联动、企业落地的各项服务;围绕 区域产融联动与投保联动 ,助力中小微企业孵化成长和行业集聚发展;培育重点园区内企业,做好 ………………………………

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