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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-07-07 14:43


导读   7月5日下午,湖南岳阳市华容县团洲垸洞庭湖一线堤防发生决口,造成垸区被淹。 目前,已安全转移安置群众5755人,未出现人员伤亡。 据央视新闻报道,截至7月6日20时,洞庭湖226米决口已封堵66米,目前,封堵工作正在全力进行中。省、市、县已累计调集各类救援人员3000余人,4个安置点已安置转移群众2330人。 A work team has been dispatched to central China's Hunan Province to guide rescue efforts after a dike breach in the country's second-largest freshwater lake on Friday afternoon, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM). The ministry, together with the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, has continued to increase rescue forces. As of Saturday night, over 1,400 personnel from the China National Comprehensive Fire and Rescue Team have arrived at the site, according to the MEM. Additionally, the MEM's natural disaster emergency rescue center ………………………………

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