Advances in 3D and 4D printing using carbohydrate polymer-containing inks Guest editors: Daria Anna Podstawczyk - Wrocław University of Science and Technology- daria.podstawczyk@pwr.edu.pl Special issue information: This Special Issue aims to highlight the latest innovations and research in the rapidly growing field of 3D and 4D printing, with a specific focus on carbohydrate polymer-based inks. Carbohydrate polymers offer unique properties such as biocompatibility, tunable viscosity, and the ability to form hydrogels, making them ideal materials for various advanced manufacturing processes. Note: The special issue is edited by Dr. Daria Podstawczyk , who will be assisted by Lei Nie , Anna Bastrzyk and Amin Shavandi as reviewers. Manuscript submission information: Please submit your papers at https://www.editorialmanager.com/carpta/default2.aspx and select ' VSI: 3D and 4D printing using carbohydrate polymer-containing inks ' while selecting the article type. The submissio