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CCF-C类 | 计算机 | 国际会议截稿信息2条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-03-04 10:57


计算机体系结构,并行与分布式计算 ISLPED 2025 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design 全文截稿: 2025-03-10 开会时间: 2025-08-06 会议难度: ★★★ CCF分类: C类 会议地点: Iceland 网址: https://www.islped.org/2025/ The International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED) is the premier forum for presentation of innovative research in all aspects of low power electronics and design, ranging from process technologies and analog/digital circuits, simulation and synthesis tools, system-level design and optimization, to system software and applications. 计算机体系结构,并行与分布式计算 Systor 2025 International Systems and Storage Conference 全文截稿: 2025-05-20 开会时间: 2025-09-08 会议难度: ★★★ CCF分类: C类 会议地点: virtually 网址: https://www.systor.org/2025/ SYSTOR has traditionally welcomed academic and industrial papers in systems, including storage, cloud and distributed ………………………………

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