专栏名称: momo
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momo  · 知乎专栏  ·  · 2024-07-07 13:05


文献来源 Firm-level lobbying expense in year t scaled by total assets beginning of the year. Lobbying expense comes from LobbyView that collects information from firms’ mandatory lobbying disclosure (Kim, 2018). Jung, T., Yang, D. G. (2024). Firm-level political risk and income smoothing. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. Kim, I. S. 2018. LobbyView: Firm-level Lobbying Congressional Bills Database. Working paper. 数据来源 LobbyView | Advancing data science research in interest group politics 清洗数据 cd C : \ Download * fs dataset___ *. csv foreach f in ` r ( files ) '{ import delim "`f'" , clear destring * , replace sca f_temp = "`f'" loc fname = usubinstr ( f_temp , ".csv" , "" , . ) compress save "`fname'.dta" , replace } * u dataset___client_level , clear joinby client_uuid using dataset___report_level drop if mi ( gv ) replace amo = subinstr ( amo , "$" , "" , . ) ………………………………

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