DONG ZHI 冬至,又称日南至、冬节、亚岁等,是二十四节气中重要的节气,也是中国民间的传统祭祀节日,被视为冬季的大节日,在古代民间有“冬至大如年”的讲法。 The Winter Solstice, also known as the "Southernmost Sun," "Winter Festival," or "Sub-Year," is an important solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar and a traditional day of sacrifice in Chinese folk customs. It is regarded as the major festival in winter, and in ancient times, there was a saying that "the Winter Solstice is as grand as the New Year." 冬至于每年公历12月21-23日交节。在这一天,太阳光直射南回归线,太阳高度角最小,是北半球各地白昼最短、黑夜最长的一天。 The Winter Solstice occurs between December 21 and 23 each year. On this day, the sun's rays directly shine on the Tropic of Capricorn, making the solar altitude the lowest. It marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemis