关键观点1: 龙舟运动在阿根廷的普及和发展
关键观点2: 龙舟运动对癌症幸存者的康复和团队合作的积极影响
关键观点3: 龙舟运动在全球范围内的推广和受欢迎程度
关键观点4: 拉丁美洲地区的龙舟参与和比赛情况
▲ Paddlers race during a 'dragon boat' regatta at Dock 1 of Puerto Madero on Feb 4, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Luciano Gonzalez/Anadolu/GETTY IMAGES The traditional Chinese sport of dragon boat racing has swept across Latin America over the last decade. It has spread from one country to another, becoming increasingly competitive, spawning social teams, driving teamwork, inspiring the healing of cancer survivors, and fostering deep and strong links with China. Popular with sports enthusiasts and amateurs, corporate and social teams are promoting camaraderie, teamwork and cultural exchanges. "It's a sport where coordination and teamwork truly bring everyone together, working as one, without one person standing out more than another," said Sergio Maximiliano Bracco, an Argentine dentist and avid dragon boat paddler. Bracco, 51, is fascinated by the inclusive nature of a sport that allows women, men, people with disabilities, and the fit and not so fit, to work together with a single pu