专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 6.1):截止2024年8月31日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-21 17:58


Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies, 2024 (ATE) The special issue “ATE_AESMT'24" aims to provide novelties in the field of the Renewables as a part of the conference "Alternative energy sources, materials and technologies, 2024". The following topics are presented there: Solar and Hybrid Thermal Systems; Solar Photovoltaic Systems; Solar Radiation Measurement and Sun-tracking; Geothermal Energy Applications; Phase Change Materials (PCM) Applications; Energy Efficiency; Wind Energy; Hydrogen Energy; Energy Storages; Building Energy Performance. Guest editors: Aleksandar Georgiev Department of General Engineering, University of Telecommunications and Posts, Sofia, Bulgaria Michele Bottarelli Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy Manuscript submission information: Contributions to this Special Issue will be by invitation only. Keywords: Solar and Hybrid Thermal Systems; Solar Photovoltaic Systems; Solar Radiation Measurement and Sun-Trackin ………………………………

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