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国内外设计大咖助阵 | GHDA环球人居设计大奖2022-2023年度

新微设计  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-12-01 09:45
GHDA环球人居设计大奖【2022-2023年度】Global Habitat Design Awards第  二  轮  申  报  开  启2022-2023年度GHDA环球人居设计大奖申报正式开启,第二轮申报正在进行中,请各参赛意向单位及时与工作人员联系并提交申报材料,共赴此次全领域设计赛事之盛宴。The application of Global Habitat Design Awards (GHDA) 2022-2023 has been officially started. Please contact our service personnel and submit your application information as soon as possible. You are sincerely invited to join this grand design event of all fields. 分轮申报:由于申报项目数量较多,为了对申报项目更加细致的评选,GHDA环球人居设计大奖采用分轮申报及初评的方式,本届共分四轮申报,具体时间进程请咨询工作人员。Due to the large number of entrants and in order to achieve a morecareful evaluation of their works, the application and initial evaluation of Global Habitat Design Awards ………………………………

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