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Call for paper (IF 7.8):截止2025年5月1日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-04 17:58


Neointernationalization of B2B Firms: Recognizing and Accommodating Disruption to Traditional Internationalization Trajectories Guest editors Nilay Bicakcioglu -Peynirci (University of Sussex Business School, United Kingdom),  n.bicakcioglu-peynirci@sussex.ac.uk Robert E. Morgan  (Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, United Kingdom & Copenhagen Business School, Denmark),  morganre@cardiff.ac.uk Special issue information: Potential research questions for submission to this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following: Does traditional internationalization theory, such as the OLI framework and the Uppsala model, adequately address the neointernationalization of B2B firms? What new paradigms should be developed to recognize and accommodate the disruptions to traditional internationalization trajectories in industrial markets? What are the determinants that influence the international relocation decisions of business-to-business firms (B2B)? What are the key fa ………………………………

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