今天是周五,不妨我们乐一下! Jenny和Jason要分享一系列经典的英语冷笑话。 不仅好笑,还很有助于英语学习! Dad jokes: 爸爸笑话,也就是中文说的冷笑话(英语没有cold jokes这一说法) Dad jokes are corny, silly jokes that dads tell to entertain their children and lighten the mood: “爸爸笑话”通常有点傻傻的, 是爸爸们逗孩子、制造欢乐氛围的法宝 These jokes are wholesome, clean and family friendly: 这些笑话都很健康、干净、适合一家老少 They are also excellent for learning English because a lot of dad jokes use word plays or puns: “爸爸笑话”还很有助于英语学习。因为这些笑话的梗通常是文字游戏、或者谐音、双关语 Puns: 双关语 比如: Why did the scarecrow win an award? 稻草人为什么得奖? Because he was outstanding in his field: 因为他站在外面田地里(这个梗是outstanding: 优秀、杰出的;与out standing: 站