专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 5.8):截止2025年1月15日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-31 17:58


The future of work and workforce development: Emerging trends and issues The goal of this special issue is to explore key facets shaping the future of work and workforce development. We welcome original research that bridges the gap between academic research and real-world practice. We invite manuscripts that incorporate perspectives from broader societal trends, including globalization, demographic shifts, and environmental sustainability. Guest editors: David J. Faulds , University of Louisville ( djfaul01@louisville.edu ) Sandy J. Miles , HRCI ( smiles@murraystate.edu ) P.S. Raju , University of Louisville ( psraju@louisville.edu ) Special issue information: The goal of this special issue is to explore key facets shaping the future of work and workforce development. We welcome original research that bridges the gap between academic research and real-world practice. We invite manuscripts that incorporate perspectives from broader societal trends, including globalization, demographic ………………………………

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