Technology was the major theme of this year's National Disability Day, which fell on Sunday, as emerging technologies ranging from wearable devices to brain implants help people with disabilities better connect with society, according to the China Disabled Persons' Federation. ▲A volunteer skillfully controls the exoskeleton robot. [Photo/Chinanews.com] National Disability Day cast a spotlight on a range of innovations aimed at helping disabled people lead independent and dignified lives. These advancements included an artificial intelligence exoskeleton — a wearable, AI-powered robotic frame designed to enhance the physical abilities of the lower body. The technology could potentially help tens of millions of Chinese with walking disabilities due to nerve damage caused by a range of conditions such as hemiplegia, paraplegia and cerebral palsy, said Shuai Mei, a Beihang University professor specializing in robotics. She noted that conventional treatments are time-consuming and ofte