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【期刊速览】World Neurosurgery | Online 2024年5月速览(八)

神外资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-21 21:14


以下由机器智能翻译,仅供参考。 1. Efficacy and Safety of a New Delivery Assist Catheter with a Flexible, Spindle-Shaped Shaft in Mechanical Thrombectomy 带柔性纺锤形轴的新型输送辅助导管在机械血栓切除术中的有效性和安全性 Large-bore aspiration catheters (ACs) are used successfully in mechanical thrombectomy (MT). However, tortuous access routes prevent device navigation because of the ledge effect. The AXS Offset Delivery Assist Catheter is designed to reduce the ledge effect. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the Offset affects AC navigation compared with standard inner microcatheters in MT. The AXS Offset delivery assist catheter permitted faster and safer navigation of various ACs to the occlusions compared with standard delivery microcatheters in MT. 大口径抽吸导管 (ACs) 已成功用于机械取栓 (MT)。但是,由于壁架效应,曲折的访问路线会阻止设备导航。AXS偏置输送辅助导管旨在 ………………………………

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