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【Economist】Huawei: Indestructible

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-06 08:33


中文导读 3月31日,华为发布2019年年报,尽管受到美国制裁影响,华为的表现还是很亮眼:营收较去年增长19%,净利润增长近6%。这是因为华为设备在美国以外的海外市场仍大受欢迎。此外,新冠肺炎期间移动办公需求猛增,对移动网络提出了更高的要求,华为的产品恰好满足了这一需求。 Neither American hawks nor covid-19 can stop the Chinese tech titan ERIC XU, ONE of Huawei’s three rotating chairmen, did not hold back. “Nonstop pressure from the US government, in a deliberate attempt to spread disinformation, has put our company under the spotlight,” he wrote in the firm’s annual report, released on March 31st. This was meant to explain why the telecoms-equipment giant missed its revenue target of $135bn by $12bn. America has barred exports of some American technology to the ………………………………

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