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塔勒布文摘(一)——  The Trader-Economist Hybrid 一个交易员和经济学家的结合体

灰岩金融科技  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-06-04 23:43
I used to meet Carlos at a variety of New York parties, where he would show up impeccably dressed, though a bit shy with the ladies. I used to regularly pounce on him and try to pick his brains about what he did for a living, namely buying or selling emerging market bonds. A nice gentleman, he complied with my requests, but tensed up; for him, speaking English, in spite of his fluency, seemed to require some expenditure of physical effort that made him contract his head and neck muscles (some people are not made to speak foreign languages).我曾经在各种纽约派对上见过卡洛斯,在那里他会露出无可挑剔的衣着,尽管他对女士们仍旧有点害羞。 我曾经经常调戏他并且询问他所从事的行当,他的意思是他专门负责购买或出售新兴市场债券。 一个好绅士,他遵守我的要求,但紧张起来; 对他来说,说英 ………………………………

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