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汇丰提拔艾桥智为行政总裁;美情报部门在特朗普枪击案前收到有关伊朗威胁信息 | 双语资讯速览

跟FT学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-17 17:35


01 美情报部门在特朗普枪击案 前 收到有关伊朗威胁信息 US officials received information about an Iranian threat to former president Donald Trump, prompting the Secret Service to increase security around him ahead of last weekend’s failed assassination attempt, according to people familiar with the matter. 知情人士表示,美国官员曾收到有关伊朗对前总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)构成威胁的信息,促使美国特勤局(Secret Service)在上周末的未遂的暗杀行动之前加强了特朗普周围的安保。 There are no indications that the attack on Trump by Thomas Crooks was connected to the Iranian plot, said US officials. 美国官员表示,没有迹象表明托马斯•克鲁克斯对特朗普的袭击与伊朗的阴谋有关。 “As we have said many times, we have been tracking Iranian threats against former Trump administration officials for years, dating back to the last administration,” US National Security Counci ………………………………

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