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量化前沿速递  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-15 12:00


机器翻译,仅供参考!可使用微信自带翻译功能自行翻译 更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 获取 文献链接/翻译/pdf 请加入知识星球“ 量化前沿速递 ” 文献汇总 [1] The Pass through of Retail Crime 零售犯罪的传递 来源:ARXIV_20240711 [2] Herding Unmasked 放牧不戴口罩 来源:ARXIV_20240712 [3] Optimal Carbon Emission Control With Allowances Purchasing 通过配额购买实现最佳碳排放控制 来源:ARXIV_20240712 [1] The Pass through of Retail Crime 标题:零售犯罪的传递 作者:Carl Hase, Johannes Kasinger 来源:ARXIV_20240711 Abstract : This paper shows that retailers increase prices in response to organized retail crime, revealing a substantial aspect of retail crime s social costs. We match detailed information on store level crimes to administrative scanner data from the universe of transactions for cannabis retailers in Washington state. Exploiting quasi experimental variation from the timin ………………………………

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