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流动、连通、互动的非典型学校 | 印度·布鲁明戴尔国际学校

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-13 17:30


在传统教育体系占主导地位的地区,维杰亚瓦达的布鲁明代尔国际学校彰显了参数化建筑在突破教育界限和挑战传统规范方面的变革力量。这是一所独一无二的机构,也是印度安得拉邦唯一的一所国际学校,其核心价值是:提供非传统标准的教育;超越该地区其他幼儿园所提供的教育;通过周到的建筑设计,实现早期教育范式的转变。 In a region where traditional education systems dominate the sector, Bloomingdale International School in Vijayawada highlights the transformative power of parametric architecture in pushing the boundaries of education and challenging conventional norms. It is a first-of-its-kind institute, and the only International School in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, that has: in its core value a vision to provide education that is unconventional by standards; in its heart to go beyond what other pre-schools in the region provide; and in its brief to bri ………………………………

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