英国籍翻译家、外文出版社荣誉英文主编大卫·弗格森 (David W. Ferguson) 已在华生活、工作十余年。这期间,他见证了中国的繁荣发展,中国奉行的互利共赢理念也为全球增长创造了机会。 David W. Ferguson, a British translator and honorary chief English editor at Foreign Languages Press, has been living and working in China for more than a decade. During this time, he has witnessed firsthand the country’s win-win approach to development, which emphasizes creating opportunities for global growth. 弗格森希望看到中国继续与其他发展中国家保持友好关系,与他们分享新质生产力带来的成果与进步,把“蛋糕”做大,惠及各国的同时也反哺其自身发展。 Ferguson expects China to build relationships with other developing countries and share the advances that new quality productive forces will bring, which will expand the "pie" for everyone and ultimately enhance its own grow