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What are some of your cool husband-wife moments?

Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2019-08-26 08:32


▲Quora There was no need for her to wait for me, so, maybe this is love indeed. Ramesh Rao , Entrepreneur (2018-present) 148.3k Views · 17.1k Upvotes In my last company, sometimes I used to work late and I mean very late, I used to come home around 1 AM. My wife is working woman too, I understood her  predicament , that she would not be able to wake up when I come, I ensured I carried my dinner home, so that it would not disturb her. I reached home at 1:15 AM something (the 3rd day in a row). To my surprise, my wife was sleeping on the sofa, I woke her up and asked her to go to the bedroom and sleep with our daughter.  She said, it was 3 days since we didn't have dinner together and she was waiting for me.   I could see she was in deep sleep, still, she was  putting on a brave front  so that we could spend few minutes together (We both had to get up at 6 AM, to ensure our ………………………………

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