嘿,记得给“ 机器学习与推荐算法 ”添加 星标 本文精选了上周 (1202-1208) 最新发布的 13 篇推荐系统相关论文,主要研究方向包括推荐公平性、图序列推荐、大模型序列推荐、哈希学习推荐系统综述、对话推荐、可解释推荐、隐私保护推荐、推荐大模型扩展新发现、多模态推荐、针对序列推荐的污染攻击等。 1. User-item Fairness Tradeoffs in Recommendations 2. Graph-Sequential Alignment and Uniformity: Toward Enhanced Recommendation Systems 3. Pre-train, Align, and Disentangle: Empowering Sequential Recommendation with Large Language Models 4. Learning to Hash for Recommendation: A Survey 5. Knowledge-Enhanced Conversational Recommendation via Transformer-based Sequential Modelling 6. Enabling Explainable Recommendation in E-commerce with LLM-powered Product Knowledge Graph 7. Lossless and Privacy-Preserving Graph Convolution Network for Federated Item Recommendation 8.