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外刊篇 | 黎巴嫩一对夫妇婚礼,司仪在线主持

外刊每日精读  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-09-27 07:00
司仪在线主持婚礼前不久,在黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特,Rana Fayad和Wassim Zeid举行了一场普通的婚礼。二人身着白色婚纱裙和黑色燕尾服,亲朋好友欢聚身旁,唯一诡异之处就是,他们的司仪在平板里面。以下选段来自《经济学人》20220910期的文章:Long-distance marriages(长途婚礼)今日主要内容有:为何聘请线上司仪?信仰不同可以婚否?01两位新人为什么要聘请线上司仪呢?作者替我们解释了原因:Ms Fayad and Mr Abou Zeid are of different religions, so they wanted a secular wedding. In Lebanon that is hard to arrange. The country has no civil marriage. Residents must marry under the laws of their religious sect. This poses spiritual as well as practical problems. One half of the couple may have to convert. Religious laws and the courts that uphold them make divorce difficult and discriminate against women when it comes to the custody of children and the division of mon ………………………………

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