本文介绍了两位来自秘鲁的年轻人在中国的学习和生活经历。Rosa Isabel Neira Alvarez是一位学习中文并热爱中国文化的年轻学生,而Jemuel Zarabia Hurtado则是一位对中国文化深感兴趣的博士生。他们分享了自己对中国和中国文化的看法,并谈到了中秘两国之间的合作潜力。
关键观点1: 两位秘鲁年轻人对中国和中国文化的兴趣
Rosa Isabel Neira Alvarez通过学习中文了解了中国文化,并对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣。Jemuel Zarabia Hurtado则对中国丰富的文化遗产和哲学产生了浓厚兴趣,对中国文化的集体价值观和对权威的尊重感到钦佩。他们分享了自己在中国的生活经历和文化观察,强调了青年在加强两国关系中的重要作用。
关键观点2: 中秘两国的文化差异和社会规范
关键观点3: 中秘两国的合作潜力
Rosa Isabel Neira Alvarez, 19, is a first-year business administration major at Shanghai University (SHU). Before coming to China, she spent three years taking online Chinese courses through a Confucius Institute in Peru. Although there are four Confucius Institutes in Peru, the one closest to her hometown, located at the University of Piura in Piura, is still two hours away. Despite the distance, Alvarez's passion for learning Chinese remained strong, and the online courses allowed her to continue her studies. "My teachers were all native Chinese speakers, and I was able to make significant progress in a short period of time," Alvarez said. "They were patient and encouraging, and they motivated me to apply for scholarships that eventually brought me to China." ▲ Left: Rosa Isabel Neira Alvarez poses for a photo in the Laomendong historic block in Nanjing, Jiangsu, last year. Right: Jemuel Zarabia Hurtado poses for a photo in Lili Ancient Town, Suzhou, Jiangsu, on Oct 17. Photo pro