专栏名称: 英文短篇小说
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Rearview Mirror(3)

英文短篇小说  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-01-23 09:11


Del looked over at the wall, away from the shopkeeper and his customer, and stared at this sculpture of a cowboy on a bucking bronco—an iron silhouette. The tilt of his head and the nervous look in his eyes reminded me of the first night we’d met, at the 7-Eleven, when he’d called me “ma’am” and I’d told him my age. Seemed like here was another conversation where he was playing catch-up, but this time he seemed fearful for different reasons.   “And maybe,” I said, helping him along, “just maybe if you bought this for me, I’d know you really loved me, for always and truly. Now,” I said, “would  that get it through your thick skull?”   Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an embarrassed look on the storekeeper’s face—embarrassed for Del and maybe a little embarrassed for me, too. His customer, the woman in green, cleared her throat, and the shopkeepe ………………………………

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