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“喜欢做某事”是否可以说like to do something?

英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-08-13 11:31


前几天 文章评论区 有读者提到了一个问题:“喜欢做某事”是like doing something还是like to do something? 实际上这两种说法都是可以的,在词典上也可以找到例证。比如《剑桥词典》例句:He likes to spend his evenings in front of the television. 他喜欢晚上看电视消磨时间。句子等效于:He likes spending his evenings in front of the television. 又比如《牛津高阶词典》例句:At weekends I like to sleep late. 我喜欢在睡懒觉。句子也可以写成:At weekends I like sleeping late. 国外英语问答论坛usingenglish.com也有人提到了这个问题,其中一名老外给出了这样的回答: While there isn't necessarily a difference between them, there could be. I like dancing could mean that you get enjoyment out of dancing (doing it) or that you like to watch people dance, while I like to dance only means that you enjoy dancing (doing it). Having said that, in fact, there is hardly eve ………………………………

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