01 群通知 兄弟们千万别甲流了,后遗症真的特别严重,有的群友发烧了三天,把v我50忘的一干二净…… 02 我说的是真的 我去年在洛杉矶给各位 买了套房子,本来想在过年的时候告诉你们,没想到一个大火给我烧了,我没有撒谎,现在V我50,我带你去看已经被烧的住址。 03 TikTok refugee from Kentucky Hey y’all! I am a TikTok refugee. Super excited to be here and make some new friends! I’m from Kentucky, USA, and I heard today is KFC Crazy Thursday in China. Fun fact—KFC stands for "Kentucky Fried Chicken" (yep, straight from my home state!). If you’re craving some real, authentic KFC, just send me $50. I’ll personally bring it to you when I come to China. ?? 04 我好像喜欢了上和我一起出cos的女生… 最近,她基本都在我陪?出角色,出的不也?错,性开格?很?朗,跟其我?他友亲?都很好 (我颜控,她真