哭的时候没人哄, 于是我们学会了坚强。 怕的时候没人陪, 于是我们学会了勇敢。 烦的时候没人倾诉, 于是我们学会了承受。 累的时候没人关心, 于是我们学会了自立。 人都是被逼出来的, 有了压力许多潜在的智慧 就会被激发出来。 没有走不通的路, 没有过不去的坎, 相信自己, 我们每个人都有可能创造奇迹。 --- 加措活佛 When we cry and there is no one tocomfort us, we learn to be stronger; when we are afraid and there is no one to bewith us, we learn to be brave; when we feel frustrated and there is no onethere to listen, we learn to bear our frustrations; when we are tired and noone is there to take care of us, we learn to support ourselves. People’scharacters are formed by force: when we feel pressure, our own wisdom willsurge forth. There is no such thing as a road that cannot go through or a ditchthat cannot be crossed. Believe in yourself, and miracles can be