合作创新研究团队项目申请常见问题解答 FAQs for the Application of International Collaboration Fund for Creative Research Teams (ICFCRT) 一、申请路径与模板 Submission Paths and Templates Q 登录国家自然科学基金委员会科学基金网络信息系统(Grants系统)后,找不到合作创新研究团队项目的申请路径怎么办? After logging into the NSFC Grants system, I can’t find the application path for the International Collaboration Fund for Creative Research Teams (ICFCRT). What should I do? A 请联系依托单位科研管理部门为您添加“Applicant for RFIS, ICFCRT”角色,选择该角色后即可看到这类项目。 Please contact the office of scientific research management at your host institution to add the role of “Applicant for RFIS, ICFCRT” to your account. Once this role is selected, you will be able to locate this fund. Q 如何获取合作创新研究团队项目的申请书模版? How to obtain the applic