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Culture丨Painting across borders

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-06-24 12:04
In the 1980s, Ren Ming, who was then in his 20s, realized the need for dialogue between the East and the West. On his first visit to the United States, he packed more than 3,500 slides of Chinese art, which he later used to introduce his motherland — the mysterious, less discovered, yet multifaceted China.▲Ren Ming (second from left) with three artist friends, Fred Martin (left) and Jeremy Morgan (second from right) from the San Francisco Art Institute, and David Frazer (right) of the Rhode Island School of Design, at their joint exhibition at the Beijing 798 Art Zone in 2014. [Photo provided to China Daily]Four decades later, Ren is an international award-winning artist, with professorships at several esteemed American colleges of fine arts, including the Rhode Island School of Design. He has also organized international programs at top-notch art schools such as the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, and the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts.He still believes that C ………………………………

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