< < 正文向右滑动查看英文 > > 公告内容中英文信息如有争议或不一致,以中文为准。 Scroll right for the English version *In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 河,黄河。 洛,洛水。 河洛交汇之处, 堪称华夏文明的中心坐标。 从考古实证看, 河洛地区是早期华夏文明的核心剧场。 双槐树遗址「河洛古国」的北斗九星天文遗迹, 印证着先民「天地之中」的宇宙观。 二里头遗址出土的「最早紫禁城」, 距交汇处仅60公里。 当「河图洛书」的传说与考古地层相遇, 河洛之汇, 不仅是水脉交汇, 更是文明的脐带。 The Yellow River, the cradle of Chinese civilization, and the Luo River, with its own rich history, meet at a point that can be regarded as the central coordinate of Chinese civilization. Archaeological evidence shows that the Heluo region was the core